Relationship Pooh

Released in the Australia Disney Stores.  Part of the Feng Shui Series.  This Pooh represents Relationships.  He has 'Relationship' written on one foot and the Chinese symbol on the other.



Family Pooh

Released in the Australia Disney Stores.  Part of the Feng Shui Series.  This Pooh represents Family.  He has 'Family' written on one foot and the Chinese symbol on the other.



Creativity Pooh

Released in the Australia Disney Stores.  Part of the Feng Shui Series.  This Pooh represents Creativity.  He has 'Creativity' written on one foot and the Chinese symbol on the other.




Aquarius Pooh

Released in Australia in January 2001.  Part of the Star sign Series.



Capricorn Pooh

Released in Australia in January 2001.  Part of the Star sign Series.




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The Images on this website are property of Sam's Bean'E Shop.  Please do not use without permission.

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