Postage within the UK:

£2.09 for the first Beanbag, add 60p per Extra Beanbag.

First Class

Postage to the USA/Canada:

$6.58 for the first Beanbag, add $1.46 per extra Beanbag.


Postage to Japan:

$7 for the first Beanbag, add $1.46 per extra Beanbag.


Postage to Australia:

$7 for the first Beanbag, add $1.46 per extra Beanbag.


Postage to Rest of Europe:

$4.29 for the first Beanbag, add $1 per extra Beanbag.


Postage to Rest of World:

$7 for the first Beanbag, add $1.46 per extra Beanbag.


All Beanbags are placed inside a sealed bag, inside a secure box.  All Beanbags are Mint with Mint Tags unless otherwise stated.  Tag Protectors are supplied on each Beanbag, with our compliments.


Sam's Bean'E Shop is not associated with the Disney Company in any way, shape or form.

The Images on this website are property of Sam's Bean'E Shop.  Please do not use without permission.

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